9/6/23 Life happens when you are making plans. Don't let distractions deter you from a better life. Previous During the pandemic, the Queens Chamber of Commerce helped many Queens business owners survive. Next Chat GPT forces us to rethink how we teach & motivate students. You Might Also Like Opportunity is Not Evenly Distributed. I'm Building Access to Capital for those Underrepresented I joined Yaffed to speak up on behalf of neglected Hasidic children, and am working to bring reform A Passion for Public Service: From Americorps, to Coro Fellowships, to Colin Powell School at CCNY From Foster Care to Leading Global Social Impact at a Top 5 Pro Bono Law Firm 1000s of clients read my reports. It feels like a bigger job b/c everything I say is on the record.
9/6/23 Life happens when you are making plans. Don't let distractions deter you from a better life. Previous During the pandemic, the Queens Chamber of Commerce helped many Queens business owners survive. Next Chat GPT forces us to rethink how we teach & motivate students. You Might Also Like Opportunity is Not Evenly Distributed. I'm Building Access to Capital for those Underrepresented I joined Yaffed to speak up on behalf of neglected Hasidic children, and am working to bring reform A Passion for Public Service: From Americorps, to Coro Fellowships, to Colin Powell School at CCNY From Foster Care to Leading Global Social Impact at a Top 5 Pro Bono Law Firm 1000s of clients read my reports. It feels like a bigger job b/c everything I say is on the record.